For me, finding joy in February was just about as difficult as January. I still hated the colder, darker days. After working in a flower shop for many years, I grew quite cynical about the whole Valentine's Day thing despite multiple attempts to enjoy it. Somehow the shortest month of the year became my longest. It was only when I started paying attention to nature that my heart became content with February.
Here in Georgia, the bulbs that are tucked away underground for a year begin to bloom in February. Nature is scattered with a little color again. I find so much excitement for the spring to come! The birds are busier than ever. The tips of the tree branches glow with color as they prepare their new blooms and leaves. Valentine's Day still is a sore subject, but I've found ways to create joy around it. I enjoy an excuse for the love letters, wine, chocolate, and flowers and just steer clear of the commercialized Valentine's sections in the supermarket.
For me, February is now filled with hope. It marks the end of mid winter and the transition to spring. Nature shows signs of life. Work in the garden begins. Warmer days break up the cold ones. The season of rest and reset comes to a close. February is the perfect month to start a habit of taking sunrise walks and practicing daily gratitude. I soak up the last cozy evenings by the fire, the cold morning air in my lungs, and the quietness that comes with winter. And of course I still hope for snow.